Picasso's Don Quixote

Picasso's Don Quixote

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Historic epics such as Beowulf and The Odyssey, famous novels such as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Lord of The Rings Trilogy,  the Indiana Jones and Star Wars film franchises.  What do all of these works of literature and film have in common?  According to many it is because each work hosts a hero, but what, in fact, is a hero?  Do we define a hero according to the acts of Frodo, who carried the Ring across Middle Earth, at his own peril, to drop into the cracks of Mount Doom?  Or is a hero one who is brave enough to abscond from society and live in nature as Huckleberry Finn did?  Is it possible that both of these protaganists can be viewed as heroes?

I believe that a hero is too often defined by extra-ordinary actions. Heroism can be found even in the most humbling places.  One doesn’t have to run away from home and be a ‘rebel’ to be considered a hero, or to go against all odds to conquer evil and save the world.  Take for example, Willie Loman from Death of a Salesman.  As the play progresses Willie is a continuously unlikeable character as he made many mistakes in the caring for his family, however, Willie, throughout his life always made an effort to provide for his family.  In my book, that too can be recognized as heroism.  Tragic heroism, yes, but heroism in an ordinary setting with ordinary circumstances.

Society too often looks for certain archetypical ideas when defining the hero in a story.  Usually it is simply one who quite literally ‘saves the day’ from evil, from harm, and everything in between.  Society often fails to see the heroism in everyday circumstances and literature does a poor job at addressing these types of heroism due plainly to the fact that when we think of a heroic novel the first ones that come to mind are close to the novels and films listed above.

Stepping aside from the topic of what true heroism is, can a woman be a hero?  Obviously this is true.  Women are just as capable of acts of kindness and other ordinary heroism.  In literature it is just uncommon to see a prevalent woman heroine in early literature.  Thankfully as times have modernized women have become much more prevelant in literature as a heroine accepted by the guidelines of a hero given by society.

Finally, what purpose do heroes have to men?  I think as role models heroes are necessary.  They teach people morals and ethics and simply to do the right thing. "Unhappy the land that needs heroes."  I believe this quotation is correct.  No world is perfect and it needs heroes described as people who change the world in regular everyday acts of kindness.

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