Picasso's Don Quixote

Picasso's Don Quixote

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Meaning of Life or Life that has Meaning

Life is meaningless.  Humans serve no higher purpose than that which is installed in their genetic code.  To survive, just as is the instinct of all creatures that walk the earth.  There is no hidden meaning or secret that people so often associate with the 'meaning of life.'    However if this is true then how do are people able to get up in the morning and go about their lives if it is meaningless.  As discussed in the last blog post about permanence.  If one is aware of their impermanence and meaningless life how are they able to continue on instead of giving up on life.  This is because although life as a whole is meaningless, to the individual, life has meaning.  People tend to give their lives meaning through the things that they do and learn.  People tend to tag themselves through their passions and hopes and dreams.  A doctor's life is given meaning most likely through saving lives.  An assumedly incorrupt politician's life is given meaning by helping pass legislation to help those in need.  There are things that I would like to have come to pass that will give me meaning in life.

1) Start a family 

b.  Starting a family with a loving wife and kids has always been a goal for my future. By having a wife who will always love me and kids who I will teach and raise, all attributing to my future happiness

c.  By having children and raising them in a loving and caring household I will help make the future generation of working adults more productive and helpful to society as a whole.  

2) Write many plays 

b.  All people deal with difficult emotions and the way that I best deal with it is by writing about it.  In my plays I can vent about my feelings through characters of my own creation.  In this way I will be able to lead an emotionally stable life.

c.  By writing plays I will supply society with culture 

3)  Serve in the Israeli Defense Forces

b.  I have a deep seated desire to live in Israel and alway be in my religious homeland and Israel, in its current state has a draft.  Technically I could move to Israel and not serve in the army but would then become a social pariah because I would not have served the country as almost all citizens of Israel have.  By serving in the IDF I would ensure my happiness in Israel and feel proud to have served my country

c.  Israel is under the threat of almost every Arab nation in the world.  By joining the IDF I would be part of the help to stop any sort of destruction of the country.  Israel existing would help the world because without Israel the world would lose most of the cultural influence of Judaism in the world.

4)  Master Hebrew

b.  To fulfill my own happiness and so I can live in Israel.
c. Helps to fulfill the previous hope for the future 

5)  Live somewhere besides Israel and North America for a stretch of time

b.  My life would be pretty one sided if I chose only to be surrounded by only two cultures that I have known my entire life.  I want to get up and move to many places and become knowledgeable on many cultures so my arguments are not as one sided as they are now

c.  As a member of society after soaking up the different cultures from around the world I can come back to a more ignorant place and inform people so the world is free of ignorance

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